The "new" Engine 30 Wetdown!
By Captain Justin Elliott
October 18, 2014

On Saturday October 11th, the City of Hudson Fire Department held a "Wetdown" at the Central Staion, in celebration of placing a new rig in service earlier this summer.

A wetdown is a ritual celebrated by many volunteer fire departments in the United States in which squads of firefighters from neighboring towns ritualistically commission a new fire apparatus by anointing it with water sprayed from the visitors' firefighting equipment. (Source:

The "old" Engine 30, a 1993/1998 KME Renegade 1500gpm/750 gallon Engine with a Cummins 6CTA 300 HP/Allison MD3060P Auto was replaced this year by the "new" Engine 30.

The "new" Engine is a 2013 Spartan/Toyne. It has a 2250 gpm pump and holds 750 gallons of water. It has a Cummins ISX 500hp engine, Allison Auto, stainless steel body, aluminum cab and 8KW Generator.

The truck was dedicated to 76 year member Wilson "Harpie" G. Shea who recently passed away.

Officers and members of the department were joined by City of Hudson elected officials as well as members and apparatus from Stottville, Philmont, Greenport, Earlton and Athens.

Units: Engine 30, Engine 28, Tower 32, M-27, Car 1, Car 2, Car 3